SynthMaster One v1.1, new presets, in-app-store and critical fixes

SynthMaster One v1.1, new presets, in-app-store and critical fixes

This update brings the following new features to SynthMaster One:

·        New Factory Presets: SynthMaster One v1.1 comes with 100 new factory presets by Selcuk Ergen and Vandalism Sound:

·        In-App-Store: SynthMaster One v1.1 dramatically simplifies the workflow for purchasing, downloading and installing KV331 Audio products by introducing an ‘In-App-Store’ built right inside the plugin:

·        Bigger Arpeggiator UI: The arpeggiator is moved to the bottom part of the plugin window, giving it a larger space (Prototype skin only, Satyatunes skin will be updated shortly):

There are also critical bug fixes for SynthMaster One in this update:

1.      When length of directory names of imported waveforms/wavetables exceed a certain limit, SynthMaster One might crash

2.      When user changes wavetable while SynthMaster One is playing in legato mode, a crash might occur

3.      Preset author name is incorrectly initialized as ‘Demo User’

4.      Using mod wheel with modulation target/source/type dropdowns might crash SynthMaster One

5.      SynthMaster One doesn’t parse waveform/wavetable category correctly when they are under nested folders

6.      Mod wheel works in reverse direction on MacOSX

7.      Slope parameter changes in the reverse direction for the drive view control

8.      Lines are not drawed antialiased on Windows

9.      SynthMaster One saves empty favorite presets file

10.  When the demo period of SynthMaster One demo expires, SynthMaster One might crash

11.  SynthMaster One doesn’t send plugin version number when sending crash reports

12.  Some preset author names appear twice

13.  When parsing note numbers from file names, the name is modified which might cause errors for multisampled waveforms

14.  When user saves presets under sub folders of Presets folder, SynthMaster One might crash

15.  When number of held notes is greater than 64, SynthMaster One crashes

16.  Browser lists in default skin are not multi-select

17.  GUIEditor generates separate images for each skin resolution, which results in increased setup file size

18.  Expansions downloads fail when CDN https/http redirection is used.

19.  When listbox background style is not set, SynthMaster One crashes

20.  In chord mode, arpeggiator might not work correctly resulting in hanging notes or crashes

21.  In chord mode, arpeggiator doesn’t play the first note

22.  Browser lists on the Satyatunes skin are not sorted

23.  Multi-line text is not drawn correctly

24.  Frequency display controls don’t handle transparent backgrounds

25.  Curve view control doesn’t handle transparent colors

26.  Drive view control doesn’t handle transparent colors

27.  Compression view control doesn’t handle transparent colors

28.  LoFi view control doesn’t handle transparent colors

29.  Presets don’t load correctly on ProTools

30.  Semitone/octave dropdowns might display incorrect values

31.  SynthMaster One doesn’t save user banks correctly when they contain wavetables

32.  SynthMaster One inadvertently reads SynthMaster preset banks

Registered SynthMaster One users can download this update at:

·        Windows.

·        Mac OS X.

Demo users of SynthMaster One can download this update at:

·        Windows.

·        Mac OS X.

About KV331 Audio

KV331 Audio has been established in 2012 by a dedicated team of engineers, musicians and sound designers with the sole purpose of providing high quality virtual instruments for the global musician.  Their flagship software synthesizer SynthMaster has received numerous awards from prestigious music technology magazines. It has been voted “The Best Software Synthesizer” of 2016 by MusicRadar readers and received “Gold Award” from MusicTech Magazine for “Best Software Instrument” category. KV331 Audio’s wavetable synthesizer SynthMaster One, on the other hand, has recently been voted “The Best New Virtual Instrument of 2017” by MusicRadar readers. Today, SynthMaster and SynthMaster One has more than 27k licensed users in more than 120 countries across the globe.


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