Britt Rion’s visual for her new single, ‘CHIMA’
The golden age of prog-rock may be over, but you’ll never stop artists from staring towards the stars. There’s something about the ethereal, the other world that can only be expressed in the imagination of a songwriter.
Ever since she was a glittered-out child, Kiwi-Native Britt Rion was obsessed with the mystical, parallel universes – For Rion, music has always been the channel to escape to that place. Her brand of ethereal, dreamy indie melds the magical with the melodic. Both a prodigious guitarist and self-producer, Britt’s songs weave otherworldly synths and tribal chants amongst pop sensibilities and rock solos.
Lead single ‘C H I M A’ sees Rion exploring the thin places, triumphantly urging heartbroken people to “Shake off our ashes. Lift off our burdens. We now know what we’re here for. We see the city lights glow under our skin”
The self-directed video for ‘C H I M A’ explores a parallel universe, with Rion travelling from home to the ends of the ocean on a treasure-hunt of sorts, amassing clues from another world as she travels.